
Auditions for MVLCT’s Production of Middletown by Will Eno


The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Theatre (MVLCT) will be having auditions for their production of Middletown, by Will Eno on January 15 and 16, 2017, in Mount Vernon’s First Street Community Center on the Uptown Theatre stage.

Auditions will be held both nights starting at 7pm.

Direct from the MVLCT.com website:

… We are looking for actors as well as technical crew–so if you are interested, please stop by on either night!

Middletown is a quirky dark comedy that explores the somewhat bizarre universe of small town America, and, of course, existential dread and all the accumulated experiences that make our “lives” what they are. Folks that have great comedic timing and understand script text that is very conversational and “back-and-forth” will be perfect for any of these roles…

Visit MVLCT.com for information about the play, the possible roles for this performance, access to a portion of the script, and more information!

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Free Kids Music and Puppet Show by Balderdash Ditty – Saturday, December 17th, 2016


Kicking off a series of monthly kids puppet shows, Balderdash Ditty will be performing FREE for kids on Saturday December 17th, there will be 2 shows: 10:30am and 11:30am in the Uptown Theatre.  Come join the fun!

The shows will feature performances by Balderdash Ditty, which is composed of Mount Vernon residents Dale Beeks, Kim Benesh, Braden Rood and Emily Beeks.

The presentation will be interactive, based on a theme, with music and puppets for children accompanied by an adult.

This series of shows will be performed on the third Saturday of each month through April. There will be two performances each day, at 10:30 and 11:30 am.

Dates of upcoming shows are Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, March 18, and April 15.

Balderdash Ditty Facebook Page

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