
Two New Discussion Groups – Public Welcome


Inner Dimensional Engineering Agreement Sangha (IDEA Sangha)

We are a product of Evolution, a very slow process. Once evolved as Humans we progressed very rapidly through inventions which gave us a succession of ever improved tools for easier and yet easier living. All these inventions dealt with things around us. However, the evolutionary process being very, very slow our physiology and psychology have not kept up to deal with the consequences of what we have created. For example, various chemicals while most of them made our life easier also prove to be dangerous to health and environment. This has a compounding effect into the future affecting us and our children and so on.

This situation calls for our turning inwards to change our attitude to do what need to be done in directing Human evolution from now on for our survival. This is being Mindful.

Therefore, I have created a forum, Inner Dimensional Engineering Agreement Sangha (IDEA Sangha) for like minded people to discuss what attitudinal changes we are to adopt.

We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 1PM, in the Library.

Please address any questions to [email protected]

Intelligent Discussion and Expression Association (IDEA)

I moved to Mount Vernon from Hawaii and am enjoying living in such close-knit community. I want to be involved and engage other community members toward a common understanding in these contentious times.

We all have lots of pent-up thoughts going nowhere and wasted. I have started a discussion forum, Intelligent Discussion and Expression Association (IDEA), for open dialogue on broad subjects — such as, “why we do things the way we do without a second thought?” — where people are free to express their innermost thoughts in a friendly surrounding and get response.

We meet on 2nd Mondays of each month at 6PM, in the Focus Room.

Please address any questions to [email protected]