
First Friday Art Reception and Exhibit for Sue Penn


This building will be buzzing with activity this Friday!  Not only will we have the variety show and silent auction going on, but, wait there’s more!

East End Art cordially invites you to their First Friday Art Reception for Sue Penn, Friday, April 7th from 5:30-7:30pm.

The event is held in the Library (upstairs, adjacent to the gallery) of the First Street Community Center.  Refreshments and wine served for this casual reception.

Come meet Sue and see her exhibit of Mixed Media paintings.

Sue describes her interest in art:

“My passion is color, I love movement and texture. When I began painting again ten years ago and discovered Mixed Media, I was in Art Heaven! Nothing makes me happier than spending a day playing with my acrylics, stencils, stamps, and papers to see what materializes. I’m always learning, changing and refining what I’m creating. I never know what I’m going to do next.” SP

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First Friday Art Reception for Laurie Zaiger


East End Art cordially invites you to March’s First Friday Art Reception / Exhibit for Laurie Zaiger on March 3rd, 5:30-7:30pm in the Library (adjacent to the gallery) of the First Street Community Center.

Wine and light refreshments are served, for this casual reception. Come meet Laurie and see her slant on life thru her mixed media pieces.

Artist’s Statement

Little bottles, keys, small animal bones, trinkets, game pieces, bottle caps.
On and on. The list is long.
I pick up small treasures from the ground.
I dig through bins at resale shops.
For objects that hold history, small moments, everyday lives.
I imagine the lives.
The people who touched them, used them, cared for them.
Their transformation over time.
I work to honor their past.
I work to add them to the present.
I place them in my work.
To become timeless, layered, and altered.
Past and present to create new definitions, connections, emotions.
Connect me to you. My life to your life. My making to your knowing.

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First Friday Art Reception and Book Signing, Robert Campagna

picture of photo from the book In Great Spirit - David Young Bear
“David Young Bear” – photography by Robert Campagna

You are invited to attend our First Friday Art Reception and Book signing for Robert Campagna, Friday, February 3rd, 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

Refreshments will be served, in the Library (adjacent to the gallery) of the First Street Community Center.

Campagna will have 24 Native American framed images on exhibit and will also be signing his new book “In Great Spirit”. ( Exhibit pieces and books will be available to purchase).

Campagna’s 52 page, 6″ x 9″ spiral bound book features photos of the Taos Pueblo, Meskwaki Nation, and a Karuk basket weaver.

There are approximately 50 images in the book with added text from Black Elk, Ohiyesa, Black Hawk, and others.

It’s important to emphasize that this is an exhibit catalogue, not a coffee table book (important for tribal political reasons), and it reflects, in part, Campagna’s personal journey.

This from East End Art’s Facebook page:

We are super excited about hosting Bob’s exhibit of Native American photos. At 6:15 he will speak about the collection, so make sure you are here by then. Bob will also be signing his book thru the evening as well. And, because Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…. our refreshments will include chocolate, and you already know that we always serve wine.

This event is open to the public and is brought to you by:

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First Friday Art Reception for Denise Murphy



Please join East End Art for our First Friday Art Reception for Denise Murphy on Friday, November 4th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the Library (adjacent to the gallery) in the First Street Community Center.

Light refreshment served, for this casual (come as you are) meetup. The public is welcome. Come and meet Denise, she has a great collection of her current project “365 Series.” All exhibit items are available to purchase.

Denise Murphy lives in Mount Vernon, Iowa with her husband and two teenage sons. She has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Graphics. As the VP of the Mount Area Arts Council she has been focused on children’s art education and strategic planning. She chaired the LHAF in 2015 and 2016 and is planning on it again in 2017.

Denise’s Alcohol Inks paintings have been displayed most recently at the University of Iowa Pappa John BioMedical Center, LHAF 2015, Palisades Café and currently at East End Arts gallery in Mount Vernon, Iowa and the Art Cellar in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Denise and her husband Robert also host the Portrayal of Mount Vernon show which will be on display at the Palisades Café’ Dec 13- Jan 29th, 2017.

Her most recent project is to create an Alcohol Inks Painting everyday of 2016, titled the “365 Series”. It’s on track so far…

She also works at ACT in Iowa City, Iowa.

East End Art Logo 600wEast End Art Gallery hosts a featured gallery artist and a reception every first Friday of each month in the First Street Community Center’s Library meeting space.

The artist will be available to visit with.  The exhibit will stay up for the rest of the month, until the next reception.

We invite the public to join us, no reservation, or fees and dress casual… just come!

We hope you can join us for this special event!

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