While taking part in all the Shop Small Saturday festivities in Mount Vernon, shop even smaller at The Mount Vernon First Street Community Center. If you haven’t visited this local treasure, come explore its expansive lending library, its several antique stores, the new Rhubarb Botanicals Apothecary next to Mallory’s Uptown Salon. Take in the unchanged vintage school while winding your way to the gymnasium for a roomful of wares and their locally-based makers. The SHOP SMALLER MARKET is back for its second year to support your holiday gifting or personal treasure hunting.
While taking part in all the Shop Small Saturday festivities in Mount Vernon, shop even smaller at The Mount Vernon First Street Community Center. If you haven’t visited this local treasure, come explore its expansive lending library, its several antique stores, the new Rhubarb Botanicals Apothecary next to Mallory’s Uptown Salon. Take in the unchanged vintage school while winding your way to the gymnasium for a roomful of wares and their locally-based makers. The SHOP SMALLER MARKET is back for its second year to support your holiday gifting or personal treasure hunting.
The Saturday before Thanksgiving – join us for a collection of provisions-oriented local producers. Find honey, veggies, chocolates, coffee beans, tea, herbs, fermented foods, and more.
The Saturday before Thanksgiving – join us for a collection of provisions-oriented local producers. Find honey, veggies, chocolates, coffee beans, tea, herbs, fermented foods, and more.